Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tot School

Tot School

Hayden is 44 months and Devyn is 16 months.
Daycare is really not doing anything for them. You would think them being in a "classroom" setting all day with "teachers" who have degrees they would learn something right?
Very little learning is going on I'm finding out.  On my quest to stay home I have discovered an awesome blog and an awesome program for my boys. Tot School!!!
I think this is great to get Dev started in as he loves to learn and play and Hayden will probably only do Tot School for a few months until he graduates to Pre-K. He's a very fast learner and very smart so he shouldn't have any problems.  He turns 4 in November and I want to do Pre-K before he turns 5 the next year.  In our state he wouldn't start Kindergarten until he is 6 if he goes into the school systems which I don't really think is fair for him, that's like holding him back. I'm really wanting to homeschool him and trying to get Daddy on board with it. I think once we get into it he will realize it's a better option for our children and our family.
So I'm gearing up to start Tot School with my boys and still getting things lined up for when I can come home to my boys for good. I hope I get there soon, every day I'm away from them the harder I want to bang my head on the desk.
We are also trying a new church on Sunday, I want church to be part of our lives and want Daddy to be as into it as I am but he gets so frustrated in places he just doesn't feel welcomed or comfortable in. A lot of the churches we've gone to haven't been very friendly to us being as we are unwed with 2 little ones. I know we will find a place to go soon that we will feel comfortable in. Hopefully Sunday will be the day :-)
This weekend I am doing my first Freezer Cooking Days too...I'm so excited! I will be going through toys and clothes and clearing out my house and trying to do some Freezer Cooking. I have 2 meatloaves in the freezer now that I made up the other night when I made spaghetti and had almost 3 more pounds of ground beef left over from when I made the sauce. It was great I felt like I accomplished something!
I'll post more on my FCD and also how church goes on Sunday.
Thanks for stopping by!

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